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More often than not event builds are construction zones and should have commensurate measures in place to maintain a safe environment.
The type of activities that fall under construction industrial practises are:
- Scaffold structures
- Grandstands
- Media towers
- Marquees & Temporary Structures
- Use of forklifts & EWP’s
- Slinging speaker stacks & building towers
- Working at heights
- Cranes & man cages
As Principal you must ensure everyone you engage has safe compliant health and safety in operation.
When it comes to industrial practises you must also ensure those engaged have the right licences, certifications and NZQA qualifications along with experience and competence to operate machinery, build structures or perform functions that are considered high risk.
The fact a contractor advises they have all requirements covered, or is a preferred supplier is not sufficient, you must have a documented system to request, assess and critique compliance against relevant legislation and standards. Furthermore the person completing the critique must be competent to do so.
Three sections of note from the Health & Safety at Work Act 2015 which highlight the importance placed on this area and the provision to provide an appropriate level of first aid:
- Section 28 No contracting out
- Section 31 Duties not transferable
- Section 29 Insurance Against Fines Unlawful
Duty to Provide First Aid (General Risk & Workplace Management Regulations 2016)
First aid on its own is not as straightforward as you might think, providing base level first aiders and standard content kits may not meet your needs.
Safety Set can literally do the heavy lifting for you here, in addition to our other services, we are trainers
and assessors of industrial practises. We know what the requirements are in order to operate within legislation, what good looks like and how to critique and confirm compliance.
We can assist in areas inclusive of onsite management or if preferred train your staff on what to look for.
Visit our downloads page for more detailed information.